Welcome to Prism Eye Care
We’re glad you’re here. We would love the opportunity to earn your trust for all of your eye care needs. At Prism Eye Care, we believe the “Golden Rule” still exists. This applies from the moment you contact our office to the moment you pick up your eyewear – and every interaction in between. Our team is proud to live, work and play in St. Paul and has committed to improving the quality of life of our community. It’s our vision, “don’t ya know”.

Eye Care Services

Myopia Control
Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is on the rise. At Prism Eye Care, our mission is to slow down the progression of myopia with proven methods. These methods of myopia control are especially beneficial for children of nearsighted parents.

Comprehensive Eye Exams
Our comprehensive eye examinations are catered specifically to you depending on your visual demands, ocular concerns and family history. Prism Eye Care evaluates every layer of your eye to identify any potential ocular disease or visual impairment.

Pediatric Eye Exams
Did you know that one in four children have a vision disorder? Not all of vision disorders are identified at school and pediatrician vision screenings. Conditions such as farsightedness, astigmatism, amblyopia (lazy eye) and eye muscle imbalances…

Dry Eye Disease
Ocular surface disease or dry eye disease is a chronic and progressive condition that is on the rise. Whether it impacts your quality of life or reduces your vision, dry eye disease has a knack for making your daily activities more challenging.
Looking For An Optometrist In St. Paul?
We’re local, we’re independent and we think you just might like us. At Prism Eye Care, we genuinely care that you have a personalized experience with quality glasses and contacts. We’re here for the long haul and you know you love to see it.

Meet Our Eye Doctor
Dr. Lauren K. Haverly
Dr. Lauren is a certified member of the American Optometric Association (AOA) and the Minnesota Optometric Association (MOA). She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the MOA as well as The Ohio State University College of Optometry Alumni Society Board. In 2016 Dr. Lauren was named Young Optometrist of the Year by the Minnesota Optometric Association. In 2020, she was appointed to the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education (ACOE) and served for a year.
Eye Emergency Services
Nobody likes eye emergencies but they happen all of the time. Accidentally slept in your contacts? We’ve got you. Think you scratched your eye? We can handle that. Did you wake up with your eyes stuck shut? We can help you. Sudden onset of vision loss? We’ll get you answers. Whatever your eye malady, we are prepared to treat it. At Prism Eye Care we aim to get you back to normal as quickly as possible. Look no further than us.